2024 Q1 China Mobile Robots Market Trends Part 3 – Emerging Applications

Mobile robots, including Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), are rapidly transforming various industries with their advanced capabilities and versatility. In recent years, these robots have found new applications in emerging fields such as cleaning, delivery, inspection, healthcare, and ports. This article explores specific instances of mobile robot applications in these areas, along with the market demand and growth potential for these emerging use cases.

Mobile Robots in Cleaning

Application Instances

  1. Urban Sanitation: Mobile robots equipped with cleaning functions are being used in urban areas to perform street cleaning, garbage collection, and waste disposal. For example, Coolwa Robotics has deployed autonomous street sweepers in several Chinese cities, significantly improving the efficiency of urban sanitation services.
  2. Industrial Cleaning: Factories and warehouses are utilizing mobile robots for floor cleaning and hazardous waste removal. The robots are programmed to navigate complex environments and ensure thorough cleaning without human intervention.

Market Demand and Potential

The demand for cleaning robots is driven by the need for efficient, cost-effective, and reliable sanitation solutions. As urbanization continues and environmental standards rise, the market for autonomous cleaning robots is expected to grow substantially, offering significant opportunities for manufacturers and service providers.

Mobile Robots in Delivery

Application Instances

  1. E-commerce and Retail: Companies like JD.com and Alibaba are using delivery robots to handle last-mile logistics. These robots can navigate urban environments to deliver packages directly to customers’ doors, enhancing delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  2. Food and Beverage Delivery: Restaurants and cafes are adopting mobile robots to deliver food and drinks within their premises and to nearby locations. For instance, Ele.me has deployed robots in several Chinese cities to ensure timely and hygienic food delivery.

Market Demand and Potential

The surge in e-commerce and the growing demand for quick, contactless delivery services have fueled the adoption of delivery robots. As consumer preferences shift towards faster and safer delivery options, the market for delivery robots is poised for exponential growth.

Mobile Robots in Inspection

Application Instances

  1. Infrastructure Inspection: Mobile robots are being used to inspect bridges, tunnels, and other critical infrastructure. These robots are equipped with sensors and cameras to detect structural issues, ensuring timely maintenance and preventing potential failures.
  2. Industrial Inspection: In manufacturing plants, robots are employed to monitor equipment and facilities, identifying faults and ensuring operational safety. Companies like SIASUN have developed inspection robots that can navigate complex industrial environments.

Market Demand and Potential

The need for regular and thorough inspections in infrastructure and industrial settings is driving the demand for inspection robots. As safety regulations become stricter and the importance of preventive maintenance grows, the market for these robots is expected to expand significantly.

Mobile Robots in Healthcare

Application Instances

  1. Hospital Logistics: Hospitals are using mobile robots to transport medical supplies, medications, and patient samples between departments. This reduces the workload of medical staff and minimizes the risk of contamination.
  2. Patient Care: Robots are assisting in patient care by performing tasks such as delivering meals, guiding visitors, and providing companionship to patients. For example, Pudu Robotics’ healthcare robots are enhancing patient experiences in numerous hospitals.

Market Demand and Potential

The healthcare sector’s adoption of mobile robots is driven by the need to improve operational efficiency, enhance patient care, and reduce the risk of infections. With the continuous advancements in medical technology and the increasing focus on patient-centered care, the healthcare robot market holds immense growth potential.

Mobile Robots in Ports

Application Instances

  1. Cargo Handling: Ports are implementing mobile robots to handle cargo operations, including loading and unloading containers. These robots are capable of operating in harsh environments and performing tasks that would be dangerous for human workers.
  2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): AGVs are being used in ports to transport goods across large areas, ensuring efficient and timely delivery of cargo. For instance, Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port employs AGVs to streamline logistics and improve operational efficiency.

Market Demand and Potential

The global increase in maritime trade and the need for efficient port operations are driving the adoption of mobile robots in ports. As ports strive to enhance their handling capacities and reduce operational costs, the market for port automation solutions is expected to grow robustly.


The application of mobile robots in emerging fields such as cleaning, delivery, inspection, healthcare, and ports demonstrates their versatility and transformative potential. These robots are addressing critical needs in various sectors, driving efficiency, safety, and innovation. As technology continues to evolve, the market demand for mobile robots in these emerging applications is set to expand, presenting significant opportunities for growth and development.

Reference: Mobile Robot and AGV/AMR Industry Alliance. (2024). 2024年一季度移动机器人发展研报-新战略.

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